Bought some Linuxes for Linux class (all x86-32) They didn't throw in a FreeBSD week. Bought some Linuxes for Linux class (all x86-32) In North America, the Linux+ and all the classes at college are Fedora Linux. All of this bias is due to the CompTIA Linux+ certificate relationship with Red Hat. That's why I bought Red Hat distros. My first Linux class in 2002 was done in Red Hat Linux 7.3, 2nd WITC Linux course was using Debian based Knoppix 3.7, and my third Linux course was done on Fedora 10. The campus course is teaching this class with Fedora 17. I usually am on openSUSE Linux with Crossover Linux for KDE 4.7.4 or Ubuntu based Linux Mint. Ubuntu is easiest when you want to update the kernel and packages. If you plan to implement an high load, mostly static web server, you will probably want to go for the Ubuntu route. On the other hand, for a PostgreSQL database I would surely prefer a Red Hat system.

Knoppix 7.02 Live DVD
3.3.7 kernel
LibreOffice 3.5.3
Chromium 18.0.1025.168
KDE 4.7.4

Cent OS 6.2 install DVD and live-DVD
Based off Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 (with newer security patches and video codecs).
2.6.32-220.23.1 kernel.
Gnome 2.28.4
KDE 4.3.4
X-org server 1.10.4
Open Office 3.2.1
Firefox 3.6.24
MesaLib 7.11 (graphics driver)

Scientific Linux 6.2 install DVD with newer security patches, newer driver updates and video codecs. Based of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2
kernel 2.6.32-220.4.1.el6
xorg 1.10.4
icewm 1.2.37
Gnome 2.28.2
KDE 4.3.4
Firefox 3.6.26
Thunderbird 3.1.18
MesaLib 7.11 (graphics driver)

Fedora 17 DVD and Live DVD
3.3.2-8 kernel
Gnome 3.4
KDE 4.8
LibreOffice 3.5.4
Firefox 12.0
Gimp 2.8.0rc1
DHCP 4.2.4rc1
X-org 1.12.0
nautilus 3.4.2
Samba 3.6.5
MesaLib 8.02 (graphics driver)

SimplyMepis 11.0
KDE 4.5.3
LibreOffice 3.3.2
2.6.36 KERNEL
KDE 4.5.3
Then My favorite distro from the bunch ~ Fermi Linux 6.2

Fermi Linux LTS (Long Term Support) is a site distribution based on Scientific Linux, which is in essence Red Hat Enterprise Linux, recompiled. It is Scientific Linux with Fermilab's security hardening and customised configurations to allow an administrator to install Fermi Linux and have the machine meet Fermilab's security requirements with little or no extra configuration. Since Fermi Linux LTS is based on Scientific Linux, it shares it's goal that if a program runs and is certified on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, then it will run on the corresponding Fermi Linux LTS release.
openAFS has several benefits over traditional networked file systems, particularly in the areas of security and scalability. It is not uncommon for enterprise AFS deployments to exceed 25,000 clients.[3] AFS uses Kerberos for authentication, and implements access control lists on directories for users and groups. Each client caches files on the local filesystem for increased speed on subsequent requests for the same file. This also allows limited filesystem access in the event of a server crash or a network outage.
Read and write operations on an open file are directed only to the locally cached copy. When a modified file is closed, the changed portions are copied back to the file server. Cache consistency is maintained by callback mechanism. When a file is cached, the server makes a note of this and promises to inform the client if the file is updated by someone else. Callbacks are discarded and must be re-established after any client, server, or network failure, including a time-out. Re-establishing a callback involves a status check and does not require re-reading the file itself.
kernel 2.6.32-220.4.1.el6
xorg 1.7.7
icewm 1.2.37
Gnome 2.28.2
KDE 4.3.4
Firefox 3.6.26
Thunderbird 3.1.18
MesaLib 7.11 (graphics driver)
Update July 1, 2012

OpenIndiana (Solaris 11)
kernel 151a
Gnome 2.30.2
OpenOffice 3.2.1
Firefox 8.0
Adobe Flash
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