PC (66 games plus expansion packs)
RPG (without expansions) 14
first person shooters (without expansions) 24
Atheletic Sports 3
action (without expansions) 46
1.) Doom 3
2a.) Battlefield 1942
2b.) Battlefield 1942 - Road to Rome
2c.) Battlefield 1942 - Secret Weapons of World War II
3.) GTA Vice City
4.) Freelancer
5.) Sexy Beach II
6.) Yu-gi-sa card game
7.) No One Lives Forever 2
8.) Oni
9.) Giants - Citizen Kabuto
10.) Final Fantasy VII
11.) Star Trek - Elite Force II
12.) 007: Everything or Nothing
13a.) Neverwinter Nights
13b.) Neverwinter Nights Hordes of the Underdark
13c.) Neverwinter Nights Shadows of Idrenule
14.) Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic
15.) Baldur's Gate
16.) Baldur's Gate 2
17.) Unreal 2
18.) Dungeon Siege
19a.) Diablo
19b.) Diablo Hellfire
20a.) Diablo 2
20b.) Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction
21.) Warcraft 2 Battle Set Special Edition
22.) Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos
23a.) Anarchy Online
23b.) Anarchy Online Notum Wars
23c.) Anarchy ONline Shadowlands
24a.) Final Fantasy XI
24b.) Final Fantasy XI Rise of Zilart
25a.) Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind
25b.) Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind Expansion - Tribunal
25c.) Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind Expansion - Bloodmoon
26.) Halo Combat Evolved
27.) Call of Duty
28a.) Metal of Honor Allied Assault
28b.) Metal of Honor Allied Assault Spearhead
29.) Return to Castle Wolfenstine
30.) Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Edition
31a.) The Sims Delux
31b.) The Sims Unleased
32.) Iceland Dale
33.) Iceland Dale 2
34.) Vampire Masquerade
35.) Max Payne
36.) America's Army v1.5, 2.0a
37.) Unreal Gold Edition
38.) Black and White
39.) Oregon Trail 2
40.) Microsoft's Combat Sim
41.) Falcon 4.0
42.) Unreal Tournament 2003
43.) Unreal Tournament 2004
44.) Simcity 2000
45.) Simcity 3000
46.) Simcity 4
47.) Hexen
48.) Duke Nukem 3D
49.) Dungeon Keeper
50.) Dungeon Keeper 2
51.) Quake 3
52.) American Mcgee's Alice
53.) Undying
54.) Need for Speed
55.) Need for Speed III
56.) Need for Speed Porshe Unleashed
57.) Need for Speed Underground
58.) Madden 2001
59.) Tiger Woods PGA Golf Tour 2001
60.) Triple Play 2001
61.) Spellforce: Order of the Dawn
62.) Sid Myers Alpha Centauri
63.) Soldier of Fortune Platinum Edition
64.) Deus Ex
65.) Theif
66.) The Sims 2 DVD Special Edition
67.) Half-Life 2 DVD edition
Gameboy Advance (5 playable games)
action 1
racing 1
platform 1
retro 1
1.) Super Mario Advance
2.) Mario Kart Super Circuit
3.) Fire Emblem Advance
4.) Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age
5.) Castlevania - Circle of the Moon
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