Now, Muslims, on the other hand …
The dhimmi left largely refuses to mention it, so I will. Homosexuals are, right now, actually being “lawfully executed” in Iran and other Muslim nations across the globe. To my fellow followers of Christ, I say this: They need our fervent prayers, deepest sympathies and unconditional support. Not in affirmation of their sexual sin, which the homosexual lifestyle remains, but because they are victims of Islam – because they are deeply loved by their Creator, Christ Jesus, who wants desperately for them to repent, accept Him and believe upon His Holy Name.
It’s a strange dichotomy. “Progressive” propaganda notwithstanding, and absent the rare anecdotal exception, homosexuals are decidedly not being persecuted in the West. In fact, homosexual activists wield unparalleled political power in both Europe and North America. This power, and its universal abuse, is on display for all to see. Truth be told, if someone, anyone other than a Muslim that is, even looks sideways at a homosexual, it becomes a liberal cause célèbre. It’s front-page news.
Indeed, the self-styled arbiters of “tolerance” and “diversity” are the most intolerant and monolithic among us. Their anti-Christian bigotry is well documented. Homosexual activists are frequently the crème de la crème of these left-wing extremist goose-steppers. Their hatred and intimidation of any who dare disagree are especially nasty.
By contrast, in the West it is Christians and conservatives who are discriminated against, bullied, hated, publicly mocked, fired from jobs and even threatened with jail time for acknowledging God’s natural design and moral mandate for human sexuality. It’s tyranny of the minority, and it’s reaching unprecedented heights.
Still, in Muslim nations both Christians and homosexuals are persecuted. That’s Islam. Each are systemically jailed, tortured and even executed. Curiously, it’s the same cowardly leftists who disingenuously accuse Christians of “anti-gay hate” at home who remain silent while homosexuals are, in point of fact, tortured to death by Muslims abroad.
Now that is hate.
Both this silence, and the burgeoning anti-Christian persecution by “progressives” in the West, is due, in part, to the fact that orthodox Christians, who are Spiritually imbued with the love of Christ, are perceived as soft targets, while orthodox Muslims, who are spiritually imbued with the hate of Muhammad, are not.
In other words, bullies steer clear from picking fights with bigger bullies.
But it’s also because Christ is Truth. Truth is the enemy of “progressivism,” just as Truth is the enemy of Islam. They each derive from an antichrist spirit.
Even so, Muslims in the Middle East missed the “Hey-we’re-on-the-same-side-here!” memo. While politically correct “progressives” will trip over themselves to avoid criticizing Islam and, with perplexing incongruity, even promote it, adherents to “the religion of peace” will gleefully murder them while they do so.
Islamic apologist and suspected Muslim Barack Hussein Obama is exhibit “A.” If Islamists blew up the White House and the Pentagon (my bad, they already nailed the Pentagon), he’d blame it on the Christian Crusades, the Inquisition and “right-wing extremists.”
No, really, he would.
A few years back, homosexual columnist Andrew Sullivan declared Barack Obama to be “the first gay president.” While this was intended to be a compliment, meaning that Obama had fully embraced and unilaterally implemented the political demands of “LGBT” pressure groups, it turned out to be a premature accolade. Consider the indisputable fact that our “gay president’s” BFFs in Iran summarily execute those they suspect of practicing homosexuality. Whether they catch you cold in the bathhouse, or you simply walk with a wisp and speak with a lisp, if they even suspect you’re a homosexual, the Iranian government will publicly hang you as a matter of official government policy. These are the evil tyrants with whom our own evil tyrant chooses to play footsie – the Islamic terrorists he intends to arm with nuclear weapons.
Pick a side, Barry. Is it the “gays” or the Muslims? You can’t swing both ways on this one.
Recently, CNN reported similar details on the Islamic State. ISIS is now executing suspected homosexuals with even greater fanfare:
“Three men on top of a building, faces covered in black balaclavas, stand on either side of their victim, while a fourth seems to be taking a photo or video.
“Their victim is thrown off the building. In the last photograph, he is seen face down, surrounded by a small crowd of men, most carrying weapons, some with rocks in their hands. The caption reads ‘stoned to death.’
“The victim brutally killed because he was accused of being gay.”
This weekend I am honored to once again share the stage with the who’s who of America’s Christian leadership at The Awakening 2015 Prayer and Patriotism event in Orlando Florida. Among the featured speakers is the Rev. Franklin Graham. In recent years, Rev. Graham has emerged as one of the Christian world’s foremost defenders against threats posed by both radical Islam and radical “progressivism.” He’s also a loving defender of the self-described “LGBT community.” I say defender, because, rather than enabling them in their self-destructive, sin-centered lifestyle, he fearlessly shares with them the truth of where that lifestyle will inevitably lead and to whom, exclusively, they can and must turn to escape its spiritual dead end.
“A recent news report shows Islamists throwing gays off rooftops and then stoning them when they hit the ground,” Graham recently posted on Facebook. “Does this sound like a peaceful religion to you, as the president has said?”
While refusing to waiver on the biblical truth that homosexual behavior is sin, Graham went on to share the hope found in Christ alone.
“I love gay and lesbian people,” he wrote, “and I want them to know that God loves them too, and He is willing and eager to forgive sin – all sin – however, we must repent and turn from our sin and believe on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Amen, Rev. Graham. This is our prayer for homosexuals, the Muslims who kill them and every other living soul on earth.
How she treats former high school classmates. One who holds the last class reunions. I thought it was Hegel's vanishing mediator, because this area is German. The political correctness of recognition.
The Linux Mint team recently released Linux Mint 17.1—a somewhat
minor but still welcome upgrade to the Ubuntu-based ecosystem. And while
Linux Mint 17.1 arrives as it usually does (a few weeks after the
release of a new version of Ubuntu), version 17.1 is not based
on Ubuntu's latest effort, 14.10. Instead, this edition of Mint remains
tied to the last Long Term Support (LTS) release, Ubuntu 14.04.
marks the first time Linux Mint has not used the newest version of
Ubuntu for a release. But if you paid attention to the curious approach
of Linux Mint 17.0, you'll know that was the plan all along. These days,
Mint will not be changing its Ubuntu base again until the
next LTS release—Ubuntu 16.04—arrives in 2016. And at first glance,
it might seem like a bad thing. After all, Mint is missing out on
whatever new stuff is in Ubuntu 14.10 (in this case it's not much, but
15.04 will have plenty of changes).
However, Mint 17.1 is in fact a very good sign for fans of the
distro's own tools, like its homegrown Cinnamon desktop. By relying on a
consistent LTS release, Mint developers can more or less ignore the
base system. Instead of spending all their time and effort making sure
whatever Ubuntu has changed works with Mint, they can focus on what
makes the ecosystem great—namely, its two primary desktops, MATE and
Linux Mint 17.1—a new leaf
While most of what's new in Mint 17.1 will be seen in the updated
desktops, there are some common components to both Cinnamon and MATE.
While accessing some of these new tools varies slightly by desktop, the
results are the same in both. Right away, you'll notice the login screen
is among these new and improved elements.
If you start the Mint installation process and walk away, you'll
likely come back to an image slideshow that's slowly flipping through
all the various wallpapers that Mint 17.1 offers. The choices are
vast, since Mint 17.1 contains not only wallpapers that are new with
this release but all the options that came with every previous Mint
release. Suffice it to say that if you need an aesthetic desktop
refresh, Mint 17.1 has you covered.
Enlarge/ The new Mint 17.1 login screen, complete with slideshow controls.
The slideshow is a nice touch, and you can control how it behaves
with the Login Window Preferences menu. This menu now has Theme, Auto
Login, and Options items to access different settings. There's also a
theme preview button to test out other available choices (or any options
you install yourself).
While the newly polished login screen is nice, a far more useful
change comes in the form of a revamped Update Manager. Mint has been
refining this for some time now. The last release
saw the introduction of some new icons and a numbered rating system
that lets you know which updates are essential and which can be safely
ignored. Mint 17.1 builds on those improvements with a new feature that
groups package updates together based on source package.
That is, rather than just list every new package that's going to be
updated, Mint 17.1 will group everything you need to update in a single
package—say, LibreOffice—into one line in the Update Manager. Select the
update and you can see the individual packages listed in the bottom
pane. If you want more information on what's new, there's a Changelog
tab that will download details on what's new in that package.
The new grouping system will help users avoid selectively updating
packages and potentially breaking the whole because not every necessary
part is up to date. Mint's lead developer Clement Lefebvre described how
it used to be on the distro's site: "When a developer fixes a bug or
writes new features, the source code is modified and all packages which
are related to it become available under a new version... it is
therefore futile and sometimes dangerous to apply some package updates
and not others within the same source package." But because Mint 17.1
groups updates, you'll never apply something incomplete. It's now
considerably easier to review exactly what's being updated in each
source package because everything is shown together in one place.
Among other notable tweaks, the Update Manager in Linux Mint 17.1
features a redesigned kernels menu that makes it easier to see security
updates and any regressions in each kernel update. Linux Mint 17.1 also
ships with a new font, Google's Noto font, which is Google's attempt to
create a font family that supports all the world's languages. And while
the trademark minty green is still the default, Mint's theme gets quite
an overhaul in this release. Those that don't like the default green can
banish it in favor of quite a few new colors, and there are a number of
dark-on-light theme options available if the default light-on-dark
interface isn't what you want.
Viewing various installed kernels in Mint 17.1's Update Manager.
As noted previously, this release sticks with the Ubuntu 14.04 base,
meaning the kernel is v3.13. That's a little behind what most distros
released in the last couple of months are using. If you're already
running Mint 17 without issues, then you'll likely be fine with 3.13.
The main issue you may run into is if you have any brand new hardware
that requires a newer kernel for full support.
On the other hand, one bit of hardware that does get some love in
this release is the single-button trackpad (like, for example, those
used in Apple laptops). If you're planning to run Mint on a Macbook of
some kind, this release is a must-have. Be sure to check out the new
Mouse and Touchpad panel in the System Settings, which now allows you to
configure which actions apply to two-finger and three-finger clicks (by
default it's right and middle click, respectively).
Cinnamon is Mint's homegrown flagship desktop. If you're not
interested in new approaches to the desktop like those being pioneered
by Ubuntu's Unity or GNOME 3's Shell interface, Cinnamon offers a more
traditional interface based on familiar ideas like a task bar and main
menu. Cinnamon is not breaking any new ground on the UI front, but it's
polished, fast, and reliable.
We've been using Cinnamon nearly full time for quite a few releases
now. When it first arrived, it was the desktop you knew had potential,
but it was buggy enough to create a bash alias to restart things after a
crash. Thankfully those days are long gone, and Cinnamon has been rock
solid in use ever since Mint 15.
For Mint 17.1, Cinnamon has been updated to version 2.4. This release
focuses on reducing memory use and speeding things up. While Cinnamon
will never be as lightweight as something like LXDE or Openbox, Cinnamon
2.4 is considerably snappier than its predecessor, even on underpowered
hardware like my aging Asus EeePC 1005.
When you install the Cinnamon version of Mint 17.1, once you get past
the slideshow login screen you'll be greeted with yet another new
animation—a GNOME-inspired desktop zoom that gives the Cinnamon boot
experience a more polished feel. It's a small thing, but it sets the
tone quite nicely for Cinnamon 2.4. The Cinnamon interface remains
light-on-dark by default, but as noted earlier, there are numerous new
theme options and colors to customize things to your liking (most GTK 2
and 3 themes should work as well).
Among the more visual changes in this release are a slew of new
features in Nemo, Cinnamon's file manager. The latest version of Nemo
adds support for colored folders, new ways to customize the sidebar, and
what Mint calls "emblems."
Enlarge/ Adding color and emblems to the Documents folder.
The emblems are little sub-icons that are displayed on top of the
base icon—for example, the musical note emblem overlays the Music folder
by default. You can now apply any emblem to any folder or file. The
emblems make it a little easier to find the folder or file you're
looking for in the sidebar or list views (as do the new colored folder
options). The emblems and colors would be even better if they showed up
in open/save dialogs in other apps, but unfortunately they do not.
Nemo's toolbar has been redesigned, and its buttons are now
configurable. For example, there's an especially handy button that will
open a terminal window in the current directory. It's not there by
default, but you can enable it under Edit > Preferences.
The Cinnamon settings panel has been revamped for this release, with
panes now displayed in alphabetical order within each section. There are
also a couple of new panes, including one for controlling
notifications. The Privacy pane is particularly of note, as it's based
on the same tool in GNOME 3 and allows you to control how long recent
items are stored.
Other improvements in Cinnamon 2.4 include support for multiple panel
launchers, improvements in the sound applet, and the usual slew of bug
fixes that come with any major update. Between the new features, themes,
added polish, and speed improvements, Cinnamon 2.4 feels (to at least
one Linux enthusiast) like simply the best desktop to use on any OS,
including Windows and OS X.
Linux Mint 17.1 MATE desktop
The MATE desktop began life as a fork of GNOME 2, a response to GNOME
3's radical departure from GNOME 2. Since then, MATE has gone on to
become very much its own thing
That's not to say that the latest, MATE 1.8, has strayed too far from
its GNOME 2 roots. This release is still aimed at GNOME 2 fans and
those looking for a lightweight but full-featured desktop. In fact,
those GNOME roots are strengthened in this release with the addition of
Compiz support. Yes, it's true, MATE and Compiz can be joined for a
return to the halcyon days of rotating cubes and wobbly windows.
To keep MATE true to its lightweight past, Compiz is not enabled out
of the box, but turning it on is just a matter of opening Desktop
Settings > Windows and switching from the default Marco window
manager to Compiz. MATE will warn you that Compiz's Settings Manager is a
powerful tool capable of rendering your desktop unusable, but once you
ignore that, you'll be able to tweak and break Compiz just like you did
when Ubuntu 8.10 was the best thing in Linux.
That said, we would not recommend using Compiz with MATE. We found
the Compiz support to be a bit buggy, and of course Compiz requires more
powerful hardware, which negates part of the appeal of MATE. If you
want more bang for your desktop buck, go with Cinnamon. That is, unless
you really love rotating cubes and wobbly windows. In that case, perhaps
you'll have better luck.
The Mint-X theme options mentioned earlier give you a few new ways to
customize MATE, and the new font provides better support for some
languages (CJK in particular). Under the hood, this iteration comes with
some bug fixes and stability improvements as well.
If you pine for the days of GNOME 2, complete with Compiz wobbly
windows and the rest of the desktop effects that once said "this is a
Linux desktop," then MATE 2 fits the bill. If you prefer a lightweight
desktop that just stays simple and out of the way, MATE is still a great
choice... just stick with the default Marco window manager.
Mint 17.1 software stack
When Mint first announced its intention to stick with an Ubuntu 14.04
base for a few years, many users were concerned about what that would
mean for application updates. As noted, the kernel is not as up to date
as what you'll find in the latest version of Ubuntu, openSUSE, or the
upcoming Fedora 21.
On the application front, though, things are looking much better.
Mint continues to ship with just about everything you need for
all-around desktop use, and it even includes some useful apps often left
out of other distros by default (like GIMP and VLC). Note, however,
that this does make the Mint DVD a little on the large size (1.4GB for
the Cinnamon DVD).
Both the Cinnamon and MATE versions of Mint 17.1 ship with the latest
stable versions of all its included apps: Firefox, LibreOffice,
Banshee, VLC and other common applications. Apparently Mint can keep its
base system and eat its application updates, too.
Small, but upgraded for a reason
Mint 17.1 is well worth the upgrade, though as Lefebvre writes in a post on how to upgrade from Mint 17, you should "upgrade for a reason."
"As excited as we are about 17.1, upgrading blindly for the sake of
running the latest version does not make much sense, especially if
you're already happy with 17 and everything is working perfectly," the
post says.
That refreshing bit of pragmatism is worth keeping in mind regardless
of which distro or desktop you use. But again, we had no trouble at all
upgrading from Mint 17—everything is once again working perfectly. All
you need to do is open Update Manager and head to the Edit menu, where
you should see an option to "upgrade to Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca."
The only problem we've encountered so far in use is the known bug
involving problems with Skype on 64-bit versions of Mint 17.1.
Fortunately, there's already an easy fix.
Linux Mint 17.1 will receive security updates until 2019, and until
2016, all Mint releases will continue to use the same base package
system, AKA Ubuntu 14.04. So far, abandoning the newest base for an LTS
option looks promising. Moving from 17 to 17.1 has proved painless,
which means that upgrading to 17.2 and beyond should be more of the
(delightful) same.
I bought some rare PS2 games this week including Rule of Rose for PS2 and Shadow Hearts for PS2 and Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon for Nintendo DS. Rule of Rose costing $135. Fire Emblem for DS was expensive. Maybe someday I'll have the Gamecube version. All three are supposed to collectors items. I saw the Toyriffic game store in Minnesota hyping Rule of Rose for $250 on their facebook page and someone bought it for $250. I don't think Rule of Rose was very good, IGN gave it a 4.5 out of 10 in gameplay and 4.9 overall. I knew I looked at this IGN review in 2006 when the game came out.