Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis
Outside Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis
Basilica of St. Mary
Basilica of St. Mary
Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis
Outside Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis
Basilica of St. Mary
Basilica of St. Mary
Communist Party in China funded a new super missile that can sink a Nimitz aircraft carrier within 900 miles of the coast. The new missile is called the Dong Feng (or East Wind) 21D. They attack our government computers all the time. It's a cyber cold war.
DF-21 is a two-stage, solid-fuel, medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) developed by the 2nd Aerospace Academy (now China Changfeng Mechanics and Electronics Technology Academy) in late 1970s. It was the first solid-fueled ballistic missile deployed by the Second Artillery Corp. The missile carries a single 500 kt nuclear warhead, up to 2,500 km range. The DF-21 also served as the basis for the submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) JL-1 (CSS-N-3), used on the XIA-Class SSBN. In 1996, an improved variant, the DF-21A, was introduced. Currently, an estimated 60-80 DF-21/DF-21A are in service.
The only thing that can protect a carrier is a HELLADS (High Energy Liquid Laser Defense System) pod on the flight deck. Maybe have some HELLADS on the West Coast. Maybe have a LGM-118 Peacekeeper re-commissioned, because it is 15 years newer than the LGM-30 Minuteman III in service until there is plenty of HELLADS manufactured.
I wasn't able to stay home and watch DirecTV or Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, play Catharine on PS3, and create another facebook event. I had to travel stupid 85 miles to Mankato, Minnesota to see Minnaopa waterfall in 90 degrees Fahrenheit. No one showed up at my Facebook event to get acquaintances I've made to photograph with me (everyone else gets it with this double standard). I assure you that moderate enough to talk what they desire. I am sure my Facebook friends with 400 comrades are talented enough to be chosen so I am jealous of their getting invitations on days like these. I am sure this Brock who say "What the fuck you talking about?" is easily more talented with 750 comrades. So I called him a bitch! Too many of my Facebook friends are real bitches.