Back when I used Limewire, I downloaded these Space Ghost - Coast to Coast episodes. I watched this talk show on cartoon network from 1995 - 2001. I believe I have a total of 15 Space Ghost Coast to Coast Episodes in H.263. At the time, I thought it was a corny TV series compared to live action TV shows such as Friends, Sienfield, Jay Leno, Baywatch, and Star Trek TNG in the 1990s.
"Pavement" (Episode 49): Space Ghost tells the viewing audience that his special musical guest will be The Beatles. He does short interviews with Colin Quinn and Tommy Davidson, but his interview with Red Green is cut short and his interview with Goldie Hawn is drowned out by Zorak's incessant keyboard playing. Space Ghost is later informed that they couldn't get The Beatles, so he tells them to just get anyone, know one will know the difference. Finally, the rock band Pavement shows up and Space Ghost introduces them as The Beatles. They perform a song about Space Ghost, using Zorak's instruments.
"Piledriver" (Episode 52): "Macho Man" Randy Savage makes an appearance as Space Ghost's grandfather but pretty much just plays the role as "Macho Man," threatening to put wrestling moves on anyone who gets in his way. At one point, Zorak beats him senseless with a folding chair. Eventually grandpa fakes his own kidnapping to get away from the show.
"Snatch" (Episode 72): Comedian Steven Wright finds himself trapped on the Ghost Planet as gigantic pod creatures take over the studio. The crew must stay awake, lest the replicating pods take over their bodies. They try everything they can think of to trick the pods, including dressing a bucket and mop as Space Ghost, and, per Moltar's suggestion, trying to become metal (because rust never sleeps).
"Fire Ant" (Episode 77): Conan O'Brien holds his own against Space Ghost in this episode, but eventually Space Ghost becomes distracted by an ant and follows it, silently, for about the last five minutes of the episode before being chased back to the studio by the ant's gigantic mutant father.
"Flip Mode" (Episode 82): Busta Rhymes is the guest in this episode, but Space Ghost is too preoccupied with all the brilliant ideas he keeps coming up with, which all seem to revolve around Zorak getting whacked in the head with a wrench. It turns out Space Ghost is getting all these "ideas" because he broke a pipe and natural gas is leaking into the studio. Highlights include the show being taken into the woods; Space Ghost taking Zorak and Moltar to a hospital that's actually a grocery store; Zorak hiding in a heating vent; and Space Ghost sanding his own face off.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Linux Mint 11 review
I assure you that the Internet is changing from RPM packager to deb. I had this PC that rejected RPM distros, yet worked with Ubuntu distros. I had to get away from Unity in Ubuntu 11.04, because it is more work and buggy. Linux Mint 11 keeps on using Gnome 2.32.1 or Linux Mint 12 with Gnome 3.0. The biggest app for Linux Mint 11 is The Gimp image editor which was absent since Ubuntu 9.10. The 2nd biggest is VLC Media Player 1.0.9. Some worth while upgrades from Ubuntu 10.10 is the new Out-of-Memory (OOM) killer, AppArmor, improved threads, faster Ext4 file system, faster desktop environment reaction speed, and Find command executed with filled caches faster. I know that Firefox 3.6.5 in Ubuntu 10.10 was more stable than Firefox 4.0.1. The Software manager is easy to use, my first selection is "Gnome Games". Linux Mint 11 is definitely more stable than Windows 7 SP1 since Windows 7 SP1 crashed on me for no reason.
It's about a 9.5/10
LibreOffice Draw
Simple Scan
Pidgin IM
Sun Java 6
Thunderbird Mail/News
Movie Player
Sound Recorder
VLC Media Player
Either Linux Mint or MEPIS is the best debian/Ubuntu distro. OpenSuse DVD (my #1) comes with 5 times as much software as Linux Mint 11 .
It's about a 9.5/10
LibreOffice Draw
Simple Scan
Pidgin IM
Sun Java 6
Thunderbird Mail/News
Movie Player
Sound Recorder
VLC Media Player
Either Linux Mint or MEPIS is the best debian/Ubuntu distro. OpenSuse DVD (my #1) comes with 5 times as much software as Linux Mint 11 .
Friday, July 29, 2011
Linux Mint vs. Ubuntu Bout
Though the popularity of Ubuntu amongst the Linux-curious crowd is immense, Mint has quietly found itself a spot in the hearts of many new users. This gradual rise in the popularity of Mint makes it a distro that simply cannot be ignored anymore. So, let's compare Linux Mint 11 ‘Katya’ with our very own Natty and see how it holds out.
User Interface / Look and Feel:
The user interface is the most important part of a distribution. Most often, it is the first thing a user notices or cares about, if of course, he's trying it on a live CD. Many times the User Interface is the sole deciding factor that can compel a Windows user to switch to a Linux-based distribution. While Ubuntu has recently moved to the controversial Unity interface, Linux Mint, with Katya, has decided to stick with the good old GNOME 2.x. Unity takes advantage of the powerful effects Compiz provides in order to create a beautiful shelled desktop. There are transparencies, different kinds of new effects and functionalities that give a modern look to the desktop. While this may work for new users who have never used Linux before, many seasoned Linux users have disliked this move, and many of them have even moved to Mint.
The elusive launcher on the left, the locked down panels and dash, lack of integration with default applications has brought down Ubuntu's popularity down a notch. For experienced Linuxers, the changes are too many to handle at once. Linux Mint in this case, steps up as a good, easy to use, viable alternative to Ubuntu. Of course, Ubuntu does ship with the GNOME 2.x desktop. However, that is going to change in the next version. Hence, Ubuntu users either have to get used to Unity or simply switch to another desktop. Linux Mint on the other hand, makes this switch possible for many users by keeping things really simple.
For those who don't know this, Linux Mint is Ubuntu-based, so users can enjoy all the goodness of Ubuntu but with a fresh minty flavor. From installation steps, Linux Mint makes sure that new users don't have any trouble installing it on their systems. They've kept the installer similar to the one Ubuntu has except for a few aesthetic changes. At the boot up itself, Mint pleases the user with one of the best GRUB splash screens that we've ever seen. Ubuntu however, sticks with the plain aubergine. When we compare the desktops, Mint has a fresh minty-green feel to it. Ubuntu on the other hand, pleases the user with the perky aubergine desktop that gives it its trademark look. Mint has modified the classic GNOME by combining the top and bottom panels into a single panel at the bottom. The real show stealer though, is the Start Menu (known as Mint Menu). This is what Unity should have incorporated instead of the locked-down dash. The menu includes links to ‘Places’ and ‘System’ on the left, and on the right there is a place for pinning the favorite applications. A search bar at the bottom makes it a complete menu. Dash on the other hand, simply includes shortcuts and a search bar.
Coming to the taskbar, Unity employs a modern-looking launcher that sits at the left of the screen. It comes with various functionalities like Quick lists, Lenses, Shortcuts and more. The launcher also has the ability to dodge windows intelligently. Mint on the other hand, employs the familiar task bar, which will please all the folks who long for the look and feel of a traditional desktop interface.
Also, when it comes to default selection of themes, Mint beats Ubuntu hands down with its collection of minty fresh themes that work perfectly. Ubuntu also comes with a wide variety of themes, but some of them aren't compatible with the buttons on the left. Also, few of them look ugly with the new Unity interface. The wallpaper collection in Mint is kept to bare minimum. It comes with around 9 Linux wallpapers but all of them look wonderful. Ubuntu however, has a much wider collection of wallpapers.
So, after looking at the UI aspect of both the desktops, there is no doubt that Mint Katya beats Ubuntu Natty hands down. Unity tries to do too much leaving the user both perplexed and agitated at times. Mint however, sticks to the minimal basics yet pleases the user aesthetically.
Winner: Linux Mint
Software Management:
Ubuntu has its own software center that was updated in Natty to include ratings and reviews. Mint users on the other hand, were already enjoying those features. What's more, Mint's software manager even has a pretty splash screen. Ubuntu's Software Center (USC) comes with all the features Mint's Software Manager provides including a few more. It includes support for installing paid applications like Family Farm, World of Goo and many others. Other than that, there's not much of a difference between both the Software managers. So, solely on the merit that USC lets users install paid applications, Ubuntu just wins this round.
Winner: Ubuntu Natty
Default Applications:
Lately, Ubuntu has been playing around with its default application set. However, no matter how hard it tries, it can never match up to what Mint brings to the platter. Don't believe me? Here, take a look at what Mint offers:
Graphics: GIMP, Simple Scan, gThumb, LibreOffice Draw
Internet: Firefox, Pidgin IM, Giver, Sun Java 6, Thunderbird, Transmission, XChat IRC
Multimedia: Banshee, Brasero, GNOME Mplayer, Movie Player, Sound Recorder, VLC Media Player
Office: Dictionary, LibreOffice
Now, with applications like those, a user doesn't have to install anything extra to get started. The very fact that Mint includes applications like VLC and Mplayer puts it miles ahead of Ubuntu in this round. Ubuntu does have a decent set of applications but it simply isn't as impressive as the one Mint provides. Hence the winner here is Mint.
Winner: Linux Mint
Again, Linux Mint being Ubuntu-based, performs almost the same way as Ubuntu does. However, if we consider the performance while using the actual desktop, Linux Mint takes the lead. This is because, even if you have a powerful graphics card, the quality of proprietary drivers that are out there for Linux aren't up to the mark. So, Unity having features that take advantage of the graphics card, many users may feel a significant drop in performance. Moreover, with Unity, the time to load the desktop from the GDM login screen has visibly increased. Linux Mint, as it stays on the safer side, works as snappy as ever. So, based purely on how the desktop performs, Mint wins this round.
Winner: Linux Mint
Ease of use:
Reiterating the point we made before, Ubuntu tries to do too much with Unity. It's not something that a new user will get used to straight away. Mint on the other hand, retains all the principles of the standard desktop. Hence, a new user will get accustomed to the interface within no time. Also, users who are switching from Windows will love the non-fussy minimalist look of Mint. The winner here of course, is Mint again.
Winner: Linux Mint
Reliability, branding and support:
Reliability here is not to be confused with stability. If you're a frequent distro-hopper and are using Ubuntu, moving to Mint after reading this review, would be a child's play for you. However, if you use the computer for doing actual work and your productivity depends on its stability, you'll be a bit reluctant to switch right away. About a couple of years ago, switching distributions wasn't a big deal as most of them offered similar features. However now, with the whole GNOME 3 and Unity bifurcation, switching distros is like moving to another operating system. Hence, no matter how good Mint is, there will be people who'll be a bit hesitant to switch.
The very fact that Ubuntu is backed by a big company like Canonical makes Ubuntu more reliable as a 'product'. Moreover, Ubuntu has a strong community, a good fan following (P.S: Bandwagon effect), and a branding that is the best a Linux distribution can have. Also, some users are willing to stick with Ubuntu simply because it dared to make some brave moves. They believe that, with some added effort, Ubuntu has the potential to become the best operating system around. As far as support is concerned, Ubuntu offers top-quality professional Linux support (paid support) and sites like and have large amount of active users helping each other. So, considering its popularity and the prospects it has for the future, this round goes to Ubuntu.
Winner: Ubuntu Natty
Software Compatibility:
Linux Mint being Ubuntu-based, almost 99% of the applications that are available for Ubuntu will work for Mint. However, inexperienced users who have just switched to Mint may find it difficult to find applications that are outside the software center. For example, if a new user goes to the Dropbox website to download the official application, he or she might get confused by not seeing an option to install the same software on Mint. That person might not be aware of the fact that any software that works on Ubuntu will also work for Mint. This has been a problem for Mint despite being so popular. Also, with new Ubuntu-only features like indicator applets, quicklists and lenses, the list of applications that make use of those features just keep on growing. In fact, popular applications like Dropbox online backup have even added support for Indicator applets. So, this round goes to Natty again.
Winner: Ubuntu Natty
Extra Features:
Since Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu, there is not much of a difference between both the distros. One key feature that Mint offers is that it comes with all the codecs installed. But now that Ubuntu also allows users to install the codecs beforehand, there's not much of a difference between the two distributions. Hence, there's a tie here.
Although Ubuntu 11.04 comes with tons of new features, it simply fails to impress as much as Linux Mint 11 does. Mint is fast, easy to use and just fresh. Ubuntu Natty though, has a lot to work upon. Earlier, Mint was always a step behind Ubuntu, but by sticking with GNOME classic, it has proven itself as a superior distribution. Only time will tell whether it can retain the top spot as Ubuntu is readying itself for bigger challenges.
User Interface / Look and Feel:
The user interface is the most important part of a distribution. Most often, it is the first thing a user notices or cares about, if of course, he's trying it on a live CD. Many times the User Interface is the sole deciding factor that can compel a Windows user to switch to a Linux-based distribution. While Ubuntu has recently moved to the controversial Unity interface, Linux Mint, with Katya, has decided to stick with the good old GNOME 2.x. Unity takes advantage of the powerful effects Compiz provides in order to create a beautiful shelled desktop. There are transparencies, different kinds of new effects and functionalities that give a modern look to the desktop. While this may work for new users who have never used Linux before, many seasoned Linux users have disliked this move, and many of them have even moved to Mint.
The elusive launcher on the left, the locked down panels and dash, lack of integration with default applications has brought down Ubuntu's popularity down a notch. For experienced Linuxers, the changes are too many to handle at once. Linux Mint in this case, steps up as a good, easy to use, viable alternative to Ubuntu. Of course, Ubuntu does ship with the GNOME 2.x desktop. However, that is going to change in the next version. Hence, Ubuntu users either have to get used to Unity or simply switch to another desktop. Linux Mint on the other hand, makes this switch possible for many users by keeping things really simple.
For those who don't know this, Linux Mint is Ubuntu-based, so users can enjoy all the goodness of Ubuntu but with a fresh minty flavor. From installation steps, Linux Mint makes sure that new users don't have any trouble installing it on their systems. They've kept the installer similar to the one Ubuntu has except for a few aesthetic changes. At the boot up itself, Mint pleases the user with one of the best GRUB splash screens that we've ever seen. Ubuntu however, sticks with the plain aubergine. When we compare the desktops, Mint has a fresh minty-green feel to it. Ubuntu on the other hand, pleases the user with the perky aubergine desktop that gives it its trademark look. Mint has modified the classic GNOME by combining the top and bottom panels into a single panel at the bottom. The real show stealer though, is the Start Menu (known as Mint Menu). This is what Unity should have incorporated instead of the locked-down dash. The menu includes links to ‘Places’ and ‘System’ on the left, and on the right there is a place for pinning the favorite applications. A search bar at the bottom makes it a complete menu. Dash on the other hand, simply includes shortcuts and a search bar.
Coming to the taskbar, Unity employs a modern-looking launcher that sits at the left of the screen. It comes with various functionalities like Quick lists, Lenses, Shortcuts and more. The launcher also has the ability to dodge windows intelligently. Mint on the other hand, employs the familiar task bar, which will please all the folks who long for the look and feel of a traditional desktop interface.
Also, when it comes to default selection of themes, Mint beats Ubuntu hands down with its collection of minty fresh themes that work perfectly. Ubuntu also comes with a wide variety of themes, but some of them aren't compatible with the buttons on the left. Also, few of them look ugly with the new Unity interface. The wallpaper collection in Mint is kept to bare minimum. It comes with around 9 Linux wallpapers but all of them look wonderful. Ubuntu however, has a much wider collection of wallpapers.
So, after looking at the UI aspect of both the desktops, there is no doubt that Mint Katya beats Ubuntu Natty hands down. Unity tries to do too much leaving the user both perplexed and agitated at times. Mint however, sticks to the minimal basics yet pleases the user aesthetically.
Winner: Linux Mint
Software Management:
Ubuntu has its own software center that was updated in Natty to include ratings and reviews. Mint users on the other hand, were already enjoying those features. What's more, Mint's software manager even has a pretty splash screen. Ubuntu's Software Center (USC) comes with all the features Mint's Software Manager provides including a few more. It includes support for installing paid applications like Family Farm, World of Goo and many others. Other than that, there's not much of a difference between both the Software managers. So, solely on the merit that USC lets users install paid applications, Ubuntu just wins this round.
Winner: Ubuntu Natty
Default Applications:
Lately, Ubuntu has been playing around with its default application set. However, no matter how hard it tries, it can never match up to what Mint brings to the platter. Don't believe me? Here, take a look at what Mint offers:
Graphics: GIMP, Simple Scan, gThumb, LibreOffice Draw
Internet: Firefox, Pidgin IM, Giver, Sun Java 6, Thunderbird, Transmission, XChat IRC
Multimedia: Banshee, Brasero, GNOME Mplayer, Movie Player, Sound Recorder, VLC Media Player
Office: Dictionary, LibreOffice
Now, with applications like those, a user doesn't have to install anything extra to get started. The very fact that Mint includes applications like VLC and Mplayer puts it miles ahead of Ubuntu in this round. Ubuntu does have a decent set of applications but it simply isn't as impressive as the one Mint provides. Hence the winner here is Mint.
Winner: Linux Mint
Again, Linux Mint being Ubuntu-based, performs almost the same way as Ubuntu does. However, if we consider the performance while using the actual desktop, Linux Mint takes the lead. This is because, even if you have a powerful graphics card, the quality of proprietary drivers that are out there for Linux aren't up to the mark. So, Unity having features that take advantage of the graphics card, many users may feel a significant drop in performance. Moreover, with Unity, the time to load the desktop from the GDM login screen has visibly increased. Linux Mint, as it stays on the safer side, works as snappy as ever. So, based purely on how the desktop performs, Mint wins this round.
Winner: Linux Mint
Ease of use:
Reiterating the point we made before, Ubuntu tries to do too much with Unity. It's not something that a new user will get used to straight away. Mint on the other hand, retains all the principles of the standard desktop. Hence, a new user will get accustomed to the interface within no time. Also, users who are switching from Windows will love the non-fussy minimalist look of Mint. The winner here of course, is Mint again.
Winner: Linux Mint
Reliability, branding and support:
Reliability here is not to be confused with stability. If you're a frequent distro-hopper and are using Ubuntu, moving to Mint after reading this review, would be a child's play for you. However, if you use the computer for doing actual work and your productivity depends on its stability, you'll be a bit reluctant to switch right away. About a couple of years ago, switching distributions wasn't a big deal as most of them offered similar features. However now, with the whole GNOME 3 and Unity bifurcation, switching distros is like moving to another operating system. Hence, no matter how good Mint is, there will be people who'll be a bit hesitant to switch.
The very fact that Ubuntu is backed by a big company like Canonical makes Ubuntu more reliable as a 'product'. Moreover, Ubuntu has a strong community, a good fan following (P.S: Bandwagon effect), and a branding that is the best a Linux distribution can have. Also, some users are willing to stick with Ubuntu simply because it dared to make some brave moves. They believe that, with some added effort, Ubuntu has the potential to become the best operating system around. As far as support is concerned, Ubuntu offers top-quality professional Linux support (paid support) and sites like and have large amount of active users helping each other. So, considering its popularity and the prospects it has for the future, this round goes to Ubuntu.
Winner: Ubuntu Natty
Software Compatibility:
Linux Mint being Ubuntu-based, almost 99% of the applications that are available for Ubuntu will work for Mint. However, inexperienced users who have just switched to Mint may find it difficult to find applications that are outside the software center. For example, if a new user goes to the Dropbox website to download the official application, he or she might get confused by not seeing an option to install the same software on Mint. That person might not be aware of the fact that any software that works on Ubuntu will also work for Mint. This has been a problem for Mint despite being so popular. Also, with new Ubuntu-only features like indicator applets, quicklists and lenses, the list of applications that make use of those features just keep on growing. In fact, popular applications like Dropbox online backup have even added support for Indicator applets. So, this round goes to Natty again.
Winner: Ubuntu Natty
Extra Features:
Since Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu, there is not much of a difference between both the distros. One key feature that Mint offers is that it comes with all the codecs installed. But now that Ubuntu also allows users to install the codecs beforehand, there's not much of a difference between the two distributions. Hence, there's a tie here.
Although Ubuntu 11.04 comes with tons of new features, it simply fails to impress as much as Linux Mint 11 does. Mint is fast, easy to use and just fresh. Ubuntu Natty though, has a lot to work upon. Earlier, Mint was always a step behind Ubuntu, but by sticking with GNOME classic, it has proven itself as a superior distribution. Only time will tell whether it can retain the top spot as Ubuntu is readying itself for bigger challenges.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Pierce County Fair
I won the old 1994 Daytona USA 1 out 3 times! The 2nd I placed 5th. The 3rd time I placed 3rd. Still the best game in the arcade! I don't think EA NASCAR Racing does it as well, but it would come close. I didn't see Daytona USA 2 in the building. I didn't bring friends so I was a rogue wanderer of sorts! I also tried out the Soul Calibur III and Marvel vs. Capcom III arcades. I won a few bouts, 5. Lastly, I played Ferrari Challenge and placed 2nd.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
J-20 (2k18) vs. F-22E Strike Raptor (2k30)
The Pentagon wants a new aircraft (lets call it the F-22E Strike Raptor) must be able to operate in the "anti-access/area-denial environment that will exist in the 2030-2050 timeframe. The US airforce wants offensive and defensive "counterair" -- destroying or neutralizing an enemy's ability to control the skies. Boeing Co, the Pentagon's No. 2 supplier after Lockheed, might be able to stay in the fighter business long enough to compete for it, he said, assuming exports can keep its fighter know-how alive as the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps buy F-35s in large numbers. The Air Force in its wish list for the futuristic warplane cited greater reach, persistence, survivability, situational awareness, weapons effects and "human-system integration." In the twelve year gap , the US Airforce could get by with a small squadron of F-22s, a larger squadron of inferior F-35 Lightning II, and pilotless combat drones like the Predator and its successor the Reaper.

The J-20 is larger than the F-22A or the Russian Pak-Fa. It is said that the cyber attacks on the US that cost US 40 billion, was to get F-117 Nighthawk blueprints for the J-20. It is said that F-117 Nighthawk elements have went to china in the 1999 Kosovo war. The idea of Chinese reverse-engineering F-117 debris to understand technology is plausible. The idea that the J-20 has 30 years of Russian technology built into it and some F-117 technology would look true. J-20 will be ready in 2017.
The J-20 is of a conventional layout as fighters go - though it is worth mentioning that the size of the J-20 is greater than that of the American F-22 or Russian Sukhoi T-50/PAK FA development. Taken as a whole, the J-20 appears to be the body of the experimental, delta-wing Mikoyan Project 1.44 aircraft with the nose section of a Lockheed F-22 Raptor. The fuselage is noticeably long and wide presumably for the use of large amounts of internal fuel stores, advanced avionics capacities and large internal weapons bays. The cockpit is held well forward in the design and the engines are fitted in the rear. Canards are set along the forward portion of the fuselage and serve to provide improved vortex lift for the airframe body. Likewise, the use of the anhedral set main wing assemblies works in conjunction with these canards to help improve lift. The main wing assemblies, each sporting anhedral, are delta in arrangement and the vertical fins on the tail noticeably canted outwards. The vertical tail fins and forward canards are all-moving surfaces, hinged at internal joints, and help in providing for an agile airframe. There are two small ventral fins near the trailing edge of the main wings, outboard of either engine. The engines are buried deep within the middle and aft portions of the fuselage, aspirated by a set of inward slanted intake openings to either side of the cockpit. The intakes are preceded by a bulbous chine mount that is contoured rather elegantly to either cockpit side. From the first few initial photographs of the J-20, the engines seem to exhaust through a pair of conventional nozzles so no thrust vectoring is apparent in the prototypes. Stealth plays an important role in the design of the J-20 so plasma technology is used in the various exposed moving joints of the vertical tail fins and forward canards. The undercarriage is wholly conventional and made up of a tricycle landing gear arrangement featuring a single-wheeled nose leg and a pair of single-wheeled main landing gear legs. The nose leg retracts forward under and aft of the cockpit floor while the main legs retract forward into the sides of the fuselage. Of note here is the "saw-tooth" edges of the landing gear doors - consistent with the stealth design philosophy of the F-22 Raptor.
Internally, the J-20 will sport the latest in Chinese fly-by-wire technology and advanced fire control and engine management features. The pilot will most likely control the aircraft through a traditional HOTAS (Hands on Throttle and Stick) arrangement and have access to a single, wide-angle, full-color "glass" cockpit liquid crystal display ala the Lockheed F-35 Lightning II. In conjunction with the LCD may be a helmet-mounted sight system for the pilot. A wide-angle HUD (Head-Up Display) will provide pertinent performance and mission information to the pilot above the instrument panel.
The J-20 is larger than the F-22A or the Russian Pak-Fa. It is said that the cyber attacks on the US that cost US 40 billion, was to get F-117 Nighthawk blueprints for the J-20. It is said that F-117 Nighthawk elements have went to china in the 1999 Kosovo war. The idea of Chinese reverse-engineering F-117 debris to understand technology is plausible. The idea that the J-20 has 30 years of Russian technology built into it and some F-117 technology would look true. J-20 will be ready in 2017.
The J-20 is of a conventional layout as fighters go - though it is worth mentioning that the size of the J-20 is greater than that of the American F-22 or Russian Sukhoi T-50/PAK FA development. Taken as a whole, the J-20 appears to be the body of the experimental, delta-wing Mikoyan Project 1.44 aircraft with the nose section of a Lockheed F-22 Raptor. The fuselage is noticeably long and wide presumably for the use of large amounts of internal fuel stores, advanced avionics capacities and large internal weapons bays. The cockpit is held well forward in the design and the engines are fitted in the rear. Canards are set along the forward portion of the fuselage and serve to provide improved vortex lift for the airframe body. Likewise, the use of the anhedral set main wing assemblies works in conjunction with these canards to help improve lift. The main wing assemblies, each sporting anhedral, are delta in arrangement and the vertical fins on the tail noticeably canted outwards. The vertical tail fins and forward canards are all-moving surfaces, hinged at internal joints, and help in providing for an agile airframe. There are two small ventral fins near the trailing edge of the main wings, outboard of either engine. The engines are buried deep within the middle and aft portions of the fuselage, aspirated by a set of inward slanted intake openings to either side of the cockpit. The intakes are preceded by a bulbous chine mount that is contoured rather elegantly to either cockpit side. From the first few initial photographs of the J-20, the engines seem to exhaust through a pair of conventional nozzles so no thrust vectoring is apparent in the prototypes. Stealth plays an important role in the design of the J-20 so plasma technology is used in the various exposed moving joints of the vertical tail fins and forward canards. The undercarriage is wholly conventional and made up of a tricycle landing gear arrangement featuring a single-wheeled nose leg and a pair of single-wheeled main landing gear legs. The nose leg retracts forward under and aft of the cockpit floor while the main legs retract forward into the sides of the fuselage. Of note here is the "saw-tooth" edges of the landing gear doors - consistent with the stealth design philosophy of the F-22 Raptor.
Internally, the J-20 will sport the latest in Chinese fly-by-wire technology and advanced fire control and engine management features. The pilot will most likely control the aircraft through a traditional HOTAS (Hands on Throttle and Stick) arrangement and have access to a single, wide-angle, full-color "glass" cockpit liquid crystal display ala the Lockheed F-35 Lightning II. In conjunction with the LCD may be a helmet-mounted sight system for the pilot. A wide-angle HUD (Head-Up Display) will provide pertinent performance and mission information to the pilot above the instrument panel.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Most Popular guns
Remington Model 870
This design makes it possible to shoot multiple projectiles, most often large pellets (buckshot) or small beads (birdshot), in a conical spray that can be devastating at close range. Shotguns can even fire less lethal rounds, such as rock salt or miniature tear gas grenades, to help control crowds.
Bushmaster AR-15 Semiautomatic Rifle
The AR-15, which designates a rifle platform, not a specific manufacturer's model, remains a controversial weapon. Why? Many people mistakenly believe that "AR" stands for "assault rifle." In reality, the AR-15 is a semiautomatic rifle, which means it fires one round with each pull of the trigger. True assault rifles are fully automatic weapons, such as machine guns, that have been primarily restricted from civilian ownership since 1934.
The "AR" actually stands for "ArmaLite rifle," the company that invented the design in the 1950s. ArmaLite's chief engineer, Eugene Stoner, sought to develop a revolutionary weapon, one that was lighter and offered less recoil. His early efforts resulted in the AR-10, which weighed less than 7 pounds (3 kilograms). U.S. Army officials asked ArmaLite to downsize the AR-10 in 1956, leading to the AR-15.
Smith & Wesson Model 10 Revolver
They have a cylinder containing multiple chambers, each of which holds a round. When the trigger is pulled, the cylinder rotates and a new chamber lines up with the barrel. In single-action varieties, the user must manually cock the hammer before firing. In double-action varieties, the user pulls the trigger to rotate the cylinder and draw the hammer back to a cocked position. Model 10 fires .38-caliber rounds through a 4-inch barrel.
Beretta M9
The M9 is a short recoil, semi-automatic, single-action / double-action pistol which uses a 15-round staggered box magazine with a reversible magazine release button that can be positioned for either right- or left-handed shooters. The M9 was modified to the M9A1 in 2006. It added—among other things—a Picatinny rail for the attachment of lights, lasers, and other accessories to the weapon. The M9A1 has more aggressive front and backstrap checkering and a beveled magazine well for easier reloading of the weapon. M9A1 pistols are sold with Physical vapor deposition (PVD) coated magazines developed to better withstand the conditions in the sandy environments in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Most Expensive airplanes
10. F/A-18 Hornet: $94 million

First entering service in the 1980s, the twin-engine fighter plane was the U.S.'s first strike fighter — an aircraft capable of attacking both ground and aerial targets. It has seen action in Operation Desert Storm and as the aircraft of the Navy's Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Squadron. The F/A-18 is also used by Canada, Australia, Finland, Kuwait, Malaysia, Spain and Switzerland.
9. EA-18G Growler: $102 million

Hot off the presses, the Growler is a lightly armed version of the F/A-18 fighter that has been updated for electronic warfare (it is currently being delivered to the Navy). Growlers are capable of not only finding and disrupting anti-aircraft radar, but also jamming enemy communications.
8. V-22 Osprey: 122 million

This tiltrotor aircraft, which takes off and lands like a helicopter but can fly faster and farther like a fixed-wing plane, was first used in combat in Iraq in 2007. The Osprey's production has been bedeviled by design and construction problems: the craft claimed the lives of at least 30 Marines and civilians during its development alone (former Vice President Dick Cheney tried repeatedly to ground the plane). Still, because of its range and versatility, the Marine Corps plans to deploy a squadron of V-22s to Afghanistan by the end of the year.
7. F-35 Lightning II 122 million

Lockheed Martin's 2001 deal to build these stealth, supersonic fighter jets was at the time the largest military contract ever. The F-35s, intended to replace an aging aircraft arsenal, were developed as part of a Joint Strike Fighter program between the U.S. and its allies and were criticized as underpowered and overweight — and therefore easy targets. Making matters worse, from 2007 to 2008, cyberspies infiltrated the 7.5 million lines of computer code that powered the Joint Strike Fighter, raising concerns that enemies could copy the F-35's design and exploit its weaknesses. In April 2009, Lockheed Martin said it did not believe the program had been compromised.
6. E-2D Advanced Hawkeye: $232 million

A major step forward for surveillance and reconnaissance, the Advanced Hawkeye's powerful new radar system will increase the range of territory an aircraft can monitor by 300%. "It can probably watch the pistachios pop in Iran," an analyst for the think tank Lexington Institute told National Defense in July. Though development of the plane is on track and two test versions have been delivered to the Navy, budget cuts may keep the planes grounded for at least a year longer than planned.
5. VH-71 Kestrel: $241 million

This high-tech helicopter project, intended to replace the President's aging chopper fleet, was running more than 50% over budget by the time Barack Obama took office. Soon after his Inauguration, the President announced plans to scrap the helicopters because of cost overruns. On July 22, however, the House Appropriations Committee unanimously approved restoring $485 million to fund the Kestrels.
4. P-8A Poseidon: $290 million

Boeing's spruced-up military version of its 737 jet will be used by the Navy to conduct anti-submarine warfare and gather intelligence. It can carry torpedoes, missiles, depth charges and other weapons. The P-8A is expected to go into service in 2013.
3. C17A Globemaster III: $328 million

The Air Force military-transport plane is used to move troops into war zones, perform medical evacuations and conduct airdrop missions. There are 190 C17As in service; the aircraft is propelled by four turbofan engines (of the same type used on the twin-engine Boeing 757) and can drop 102 paratroopers at once. In operation since 1993, it has been used to deliver troops and humanitarian aid to Afghanistan and Iraq.
2. F-22 Raptor: $350 million

First conceived during the Cold War as an airframe to vie with Soviet aircraft that was never built, the F-22 is touted by manufacturer Lockheed Martin as the best overall combat plane in the world — not to mention the most expensive. It can shoot down enemy cruise missiles, fly long distances at supersonic speeds and avoid nearly all types of radar detection. But the Senate debate over whether to build seven more — at a taxpayer cost of $1.67 billion — eventually came down to the plane's job-creating abilities. The axed project would have employed 25,000 Americans.
1. B2-Spirit $2.4 billion

The B-2 bomber was so costly that Congress cut its initial 1987 purchase order from 132 to 21. (A 2008 crash leaves the current number at 20.) The B-2 is hard to detect via infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, visual or radar signals. This stealth capability makes it able to attack enemy targets with less fear of retaliation. In use since 1993, the B-2 has been deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan.
First entering service in the 1980s, the twin-engine fighter plane was the U.S.'s first strike fighter — an aircraft capable of attacking both ground and aerial targets. It has seen action in Operation Desert Storm and as the aircraft of the Navy's Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Squadron. The F/A-18 is also used by Canada, Australia, Finland, Kuwait, Malaysia, Spain and Switzerland.
9. EA-18G Growler: $102 million
Hot off the presses, the Growler is a lightly armed version of the F/A-18 fighter that has been updated for electronic warfare (it is currently being delivered to the Navy). Growlers are capable of not only finding and disrupting anti-aircraft radar, but also jamming enemy communications.
8. V-22 Osprey: 122 million
This tiltrotor aircraft, which takes off and lands like a helicopter but can fly faster and farther like a fixed-wing plane, was first used in combat in Iraq in 2007. The Osprey's production has been bedeviled by design and construction problems: the craft claimed the lives of at least 30 Marines and civilians during its development alone (former Vice President Dick Cheney tried repeatedly to ground the plane). Still, because of its range and versatility, the Marine Corps plans to deploy a squadron of V-22s to Afghanistan by the end of the year.
7. F-35 Lightning II 122 million
Lockheed Martin's 2001 deal to build these stealth, supersonic fighter jets was at the time the largest military contract ever. The F-35s, intended to replace an aging aircraft arsenal, were developed as part of a Joint Strike Fighter program between the U.S. and its allies and were criticized as underpowered and overweight — and therefore easy targets. Making matters worse, from 2007 to 2008, cyberspies infiltrated the 7.5 million lines of computer code that powered the Joint Strike Fighter, raising concerns that enemies could copy the F-35's design and exploit its weaknesses. In April 2009, Lockheed Martin said it did not believe the program had been compromised.
6. E-2D Advanced Hawkeye: $232 million
A major step forward for surveillance and reconnaissance, the Advanced Hawkeye's powerful new radar system will increase the range of territory an aircraft can monitor by 300%. "It can probably watch the pistachios pop in Iran," an analyst for the think tank Lexington Institute told National Defense in July. Though development of the plane is on track and two test versions have been delivered to the Navy, budget cuts may keep the planes grounded for at least a year longer than planned.
5. VH-71 Kestrel: $241 million
This high-tech helicopter project, intended to replace the President's aging chopper fleet, was running more than 50% over budget by the time Barack Obama took office. Soon after his Inauguration, the President announced plans to scrap the helicopters because of cost overruns. On July 22, however, the House Appropriations Committee unanimously approved restoring $485 million to fund the Kestrels.
4. P-8A Poseidon: $290 million
Boeing's spruced-up military version of its 737 jet will be used by the Navy to conduct anti-submarine warfare and gather intelligence. It can carry torpedoes, missiles, depth charges and other weapons. The P-8A is expected to go into service in 2013.
3. C17A Globemaster III: $328 million
The Air Force military-transport plane is used to move troops into war zones, perform medical evacuations and conduct airdrop missions. There are 190 C17As in service; the aircraft is propelled by four turbofan engines (of the same type used on the twin-engine Boeing 757) and can drop 102 paratroopers at once. In operation since 1993, it has been used to deliver troops and humanitarian aid to Afghanistan and Iraq.
2. F-22 Raptor: $350 million
First conceived during the Cold War as an airframe to vie with Soviet aircraft that was never built, the F-22 is touted by manufacturer Lockheed Martin as the best overall combat plane in the world — not to mention the most expensive. It can shoot down enemy cruise missiles, fly long distances at supersonic speeds and avoid nearly all types of radar detection. But the Senate debate over whether to build seven more — at a taxpayer cost of $1.67 billion — eventually came down to the plane's job-creating abilities. The axed project would have employed 25,000 Americans.
1. B2-Spirit $2.4 billion
The B-2 bomber was so costly that Congress cut its initial 1987 purchase order from 132 to 21. (A 2008 crash leaves the current number at 20.) The B-2 is hard to detect via infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, visual or radar signals. This stealth capability makes it able to attack enemy targets with less fear of retaliation. In use since 1993, the B-2 has been deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
private industry replaces Ares I rocket
NASA is simply transferring its costly bureaucratically sponsored spaceflights to the private sector. Newt Gingrich brought up private space flight on June 13, 2011 during republican debate. The next 50 years are going to be historic. There's intensifying economic and space competition. NASA is turning to private industry with fixed prices, contracts and profit margins. The space agency will be the customer, not the boss. NASA is hoping to launch its privately built rocket and capsule to the space station late this year. It won't carry astronauts, but if all goes well the unmanned ship will dock with the station and deliver food, water and clothing. It will take 40 tons of supplies to the space station in 20 flights. Boeing is going to privately send astronauts into space in 2014. SpaceX of Hawthorne, California, which also has its own ship, the Dragon, a “free-flying, reusable spacecraft.
President George Bush has set NASA on a mission to put men back on the moon by 2020, and then onto Mars between 2035 and 2037.
I'm flying on space jet when I am 50ish instead of Walt Disney World! I went to Walt Disney World in July 1997 for eight days and seen all the parks.
President George Bush has set NASA on a mission to put men back on the moon by 2020, and then onto Mars between 2035 and 2037.
I'm flying on space jet when I am 50ish instead of Walt Disney World! I went to Walt Disney World in July 1997 for eight days and seen all the parks.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Next generation should overlap this generation 3 years
There isn't much else out there. It is Sturgeon's Law and videogames are the 10% on Earth. I am tired of the graphics this generation offers, because it has been 6 years and 1000s of dollars spent on this generation.
If I was to cash out $30, $40, $50. They better make it on DirectX 10.1 hardware. The games look outdated, because it is DirectX 9.0!
The Wii U, PS4, Xbox 720 cannot come out fast enough. I really want some Crysis 2 PC graphics on my TV. There is no bragging rights on the graphics with the current generation. I know the low budget JRPGs next gen will look equal to Final Fantasy XIII.
This generation is a full 6 years old for Xbox 360 and the game consoles are OLD and TIRED. They still sell the PS2 at Wal-mart.
I want the PS4 and PS3 to overlap for 3 years so long as the PS4 is in my house under the TV by December 2012. The PS4 should have came out in November 2011! It's the world recession, and I shouldn't be paying $60 for obsolete graphics. Delaying is to maximize profits and it is sick. The manufactures wait too long. I had my DirectX 11 Radeon HD 5970 for Christmas 2009 showing manufactures delay launch dates for profit! If this is a firmware problem, manufactures should use reuse Xbox 360, and PS3's firmware until next gen firmware comes out. Current gen console / handheld debate is on its death bed as we speak. We talk in circles this year and that is a bad thing!
What I want in the PS4
Cell Broadband Engine
1.5 GB GDDR5
GeForce GTX 470M (GF104) 60 GB/sec bandwidth.
Dual Shock 4
Geforce GTX 470M makes incredible Direct X 11 graphics at some smooth 60 frames per second.
If I was to cash out $30, $40, $50. They better make it on DirectX 10.1 hardware. The games look outdated, because it is DirectX 9.0!
The Wii U, PS4, Xbox 720 cannot come out fast enough. I really want some Crysis 2 PC graphics on my TV. There is no bragging rights on the graphics with the current generation. I know the low budget JRPGs next gen will look equal to Final Fantasy XIII.
This generation is a full 6 years old for Xbox 360 and the game consoles are OLD and TIRED. They still sell the PS2 at Wal-mart.
I want the PS4 and PS3 to overlap for 3 years so long as the PS4 is in my house under the TV by December 2012. The PS4 should have came out in November 2011! It's the world recession, and I shouldn't be paying $60 for obsolete graphics. Delaying is to maximize profits and it is sick. The manufactures wait too long. I had my DirectX 11 Radeon HD 5970 for Christmas 2009 showing manufactures delay launch dates for profit! If this is a firmware problem, manufactures should use reuse Xbox 360, and PS3's firmware until next gen firmware comes out. Current gen console / handheld debate is on its death bed as we speak. We talk in circles this year and that is a bad thing!
What I want in the PS4
Cell Broadband Engine
1.5 GB GDDR5
GeForce GTX 470M (GF104) 60 GB/sec bandwidth.
Dual Shock 4
Geforce GTX 470M makes incredible Direct X 11 graphics at some smooth 60 frames per second.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Camping 2k11 Episode II
I saw Harry Potter Deadly Hollows Part 2 in a old Isle theater in Cumberland, WI. We went RVing near Spooner, WI passing Turtle Lake Casino. I stayed at the Scenic View RV park. The toilets and showers were real shitty so we smelled the four days. My family took meet from Louie's Finer Meats. I guess I was talking about A-10 Thunderbolt, early USN jets, M-16 machine gun, M1 Browning, cruise missiles on USS Wisconsin/USS Missouri battleship, Nimitz & Ford class supercarriers, China's larger supercarriers, PT boats with a pro-military Uncle of mine. He watches The Military Channel all the time. The temp was in the 90s so I didn't get to play miniature golf in Spooner over Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass. It wasn't a good vacation, because there weren't any decent looking girlfriend with me or 50 DirecTV channels. I had a California burger at the Prime Bar. The place looked like truck stop. My family is one of the most boring family there is with their conservative 1950s culture let me tell you! I ended up played Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the four days. I had this choice of playing a stupid dice game.

I went inside Turtle Lake Casino and took a picture of a bunny for my silent visitors out there! I didn't stay long.

The Uncle

I went inside Turtle Lake Casino and took a picture of a bunny for my silent visitors out there! I didn't stay long.
The Uncle
Friday, July 15, 2011
PSVita beating Nintendo 3DS: A industry first | Luigi in SM64 N64
You can't ring them up by putting the device up to your ear but in general I think they've got most of the capabilities that you'd find in a smartphone, with some unique capabilities that make them stand out. The 3DS launch titles has confusing titles for mainstreamers.
The PS Vita has 512 MB of RAM, two touch screens on front/back, a 4 core CPU, a 4 core GPU, a LED screen and different games.
The Playstation Portable was unsuccessful in North America, because it only had Daxter, Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid Portal Ops and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for mainstream gamers. The Japanese liked mediocre JRPGs. The Europeans generally support Playstation consoles/handhelds, because Playstation 2 had Winning Eleven Soccer or EA's FIFA with dual shock controllers.
Someone found Luigi in Super Mario 64 (n64) as a easter egg. It is the Toad's Tool 64 exploitation of junk code.
Miyamoto: With Mario 64, we had an experiment that took advantage of the idea of the screen growing larger and smaller depending on how far apart the characters were. So we had Mario and Luigi running around in that 3-D world, but we ended up not using it. Why did you decide not to use that Nintendo 64 game with Mario and Luigi?
Miyamoto: Ultimately, it’s the idea of processing speed and working within the constraints of the hardware. The DS Mario 64 had a mode with something similar to that, where you were playing with four characters.
The PS Vita has 512 MB of RAM, two touch screens on front/back, a 4 core CPU, a 4 core GPU, a LED screen and different games.
The Playstation Portable was unsuccessful in North America, because it only had Daxter, Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid Portal Ops and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for mainstream gamers. The Japanese liked mediocre JRPGs. The Europeans generally support Playstation consoles/handhelds, because Playstation 2 had Winning Eleven Soccer or EA's FIFA with dual shock controllers.
Someone found Luigi in Super Mario 64 (n64) as a easter egg. It is the Toad's Tool 64 exploitation of junk code.
Miyamoto: With Mario 64, we had an experiment that took advantage of the idea of the screen growing larger and smaller depending on how far apart the characters were. So we had Mario and Luigi running around in that 3-D world, but we ended up not using it. Why did you decide not to use that Nintendo 64 game with Mario and Luigi?
Miyamoto: Ultimately, it’s the idea of processing speed and working within the constraints of the hardware. The DS Mario 64 had a mode with something similar to that, where you were playing with four characters.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Oil Shale vs. High Speed Rail
I, personally pick Oil Shale over any HSR network. The high speed rail is an environmentalists wet dream so hell no to this. Passenger rail 150 years ago won't make it okay now-a-days.
Royal Dutch Shell have developed ways to tap the oil in situ, by drilling boreholes that are thousands of feet deep and feeding into them inch-thick cables that are heated using electrical resistance and that literally cook the surrounding rock. The kerogen liquefies and gradually pools around an extraction well, where the oil-like fluid can easily be pumped to the surface.
Meanwhile, construction companies can take the sand tar out of Utah with toe to heel air injection for American usage.
It is obvious that China is big on HSR, because they have 1.3+ billion and foreign nationals. That sounds like the only reason to be HSR biased. HSR is too expensive, has exaggerated benefits, is wasteful. You have to look at if HSR are five year plans of economic planning solely because China loves HSR to death.
There is something called the smart cars on 1000 cc engines or motorcycles if gas prices are too high.
Trying to speed up HSR construction is stupid. US will probably complete these HSR projects four decades in the future. Focus on all the vehicles and roads instead. I disbelieve if the government tells Americans to ride something, that they will listen unlike European citizens. Americans will still use their vehicles up to the point where it is entirely unaffordable, in which case they buy motorcycles.
Royal Dutch Shell have developed ways to tap the oil in situ, by drilling boreholes that are thousands of feet deep and feeding into them inch-thick cables that are heated using electrical resistance and that literally cook the surrounding rock. The kerogen liquefies and gradually pools around an extraction well, where the oil-like fluid can easily be pumped to the surface.
Meanwhile, construction companies can take the sand tar out of Utah with toe to heel air injection for American usage.
It is obvious that China is big on HSR, because they have 1.3+ billion and foreign nationals. That sounds like the only reason to be HSR biased. HSR is too expensive, has exaggerated benefits, is wasteful. You have to look at if HSR are five year plans of economic planning solely because China loves HSR to death.
There is something called the smart cars on 1000 cc engines or motorcycles if gas prices are too high.
Trying to speed up HSR construction is stupid. US will probably complete these HSR projects four decades in the future. Focus on all the vehicles and roads instead. I disbelieve if the government tells Americans to ride something, that they will listen unlike European citizens. Americans will still use their vehicles up to the point where it is entirely unaffordable, in which case they buy motorcycles.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Wii U Game list
This isn't a great Wii U selection. I'm thinking that the Super Mario platformer title is "Super Mario 3D World" based off Super Mario 64. Then the developers make a Paper Mario, and a Super Mario Galaxy 3 for Wii U. I would love to see some Final Fantasy remakes for Wii U like Final Fantasy VIII, X and XII, Chrono Cross and that's pretty much all Square-Enix's flagship titles which are ones worth replaying/re-paying. Sega could make Sega GT Wii U, Sonic Adventure 3 Virtua Fighter 6, and Resonance of Fate 2. Konami could remake Metal Gear Solid 2, 3, and 4 for Wii U. Capcom could develop Viewiful Joe 3, 4, 5. Namco could port Tekken 7, Ridge Racer VIII and Soul Calibur V. As far as First Person Shooters go: The Orange Box, Crysis, Crysis 2, Unreal Tournament III, Far Cry II, Far Cry III, and Metroid Prime 4. Then adventure games Metroid Other M 2. RPGs include Mass Effect 1,2,3, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Dragon Age.
Pikmin 3
Smash Bros.
Lego City Stories
Darksiders II
Ninja Gaiden: Razor's Edge
Batman: Arkham City
New Ubisoft FPS IP
New Ubisoft multi-sports family IP
Ghost Recon Online
Assassin's Creed
Killer Freaks From Outer Space
Aliens: Colonial Marines (showreel - prototyped, considered)
Dirt (showreel)
Metro Last Light (showreel)
Tekken (showreel)
Madden NFL
BioShock (Ken Levine was a talking head on video at Nintendo conference)
Zelda HD (one of the demos)
New Super Mario Bros. Mii (one of the demos)
Pikmin 3
Smash Bros.
Lego City Stories
Darksiders II
Ninja Gaiden: Razor's Edge
Batman: Arkham City
New Ubisoft FPS IP
New Ubisoft multi-sports family IP
Ghost Recon Online
Assassin's Creed
Killer Freaks From Outer Space
Aliens: Colonial Marines (showreel - prototyped, considered)
Dirt (showreel)
Metro Last Light (showreel)
Tekken (showreel)
Madden NFL
BioShock (Ken Levine was a talking head on video at Nintendo conference)
Zelda HD (one of the demos)
New Super Mario Bros. Mii (one of the demos)
Wii U Game list
This isn't a great Wii U selection. I'm thinking that the Super Mario platformer title is "Super Mario 3D World" based off Super Mario 64. Then the developers make a Paper Mario, and a Super Mario Galaxy 3 for Wii U. I would love to see some Final Fantasy remakes for Wii U like Final Fantasy VIII, X and XII, Chrono Cross and that's pretty much all Square-Enix's flagship titles which are ones worth replaying/re-paying. Sega could make Sega GT Wii U, Sonic Adventure 3 Virtua Fighter 6, and Resonance of Fate 2. Konami could remake Metal Gear Solid 2, 3, and 4 for Wii U. Capcom could develop Viewiful Joe 3, 4, 5. Namco could port Tekken 7, Ridge Racer VIII and Soul Calibur V. As far as First Person Shooters go: The Orange Box, Crysis, Crysis 2, Unreal Tournament III, Far Cry II, Far Cry III, and Metroid Prime 4. Then adventure games Metroid Other M 2. RPGs include Mass Effect 1,2,3, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Dragon Age.
Pikmin 3
Smash Bros.
Lego City Stories
Darksiders II
Ninja Gaiden: Razor's Edge
Batman: Arkham City
New Ubisoft FPS IP
New Ubisoft multi-sports family IP
Ghost Recon Online
Assassin's Creed
Killer Freaks From Outer Space
Aliens: Colonial Marines (showreel - prototyped, considered)
Dirt (showreel)
Metro Last Light (showreel)
Tekken (showreel)
Madden NFL
BioShock (Ken Levine was a talking head on video at Nintendo conference)
Zelda HD (one of the demos)
New Super Mario Bros. Mii (one of the demos)
Pikmin 3
Smash Bros.
Lego City Stories
Darksiders II
Ninja Gaiden: Razor's Edge
Batman: Arkham City
New Ubisoft FPS IP
New Ubisoft multi-sports family IP
Ghost Recon Online
Assassin's Creed
Killer Freaks From Outer Space
Aliens: Colonial Marines (showreel - prototyped, considered)
Dirt (showreel)
Metro Last Light (showreel)
Tekken (showreel)
Madden NFL
BioShock (Ken Levine was a talking head on video at Nintendo conference)
Zelda HD (one of the demos)
New Super Mario Bros. Mii (one of the demos)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
B2 Spirit in mass production
The US Airforces next generation bomber is based on proven technologies is a B2 Spirit with mass produced parts. It is going to have the same engine as the F-35 Lightning II, the Pratt & Whitney F135 and General Electric/Rolls-Royce F13. It would scare off any Tupolev Tu-160. IT would have Fleet size of 175 aircraft. Range: 5,000+ nautical miles. The bomber is designed to use off-the-shelf propulsion. The bomber would have a weapons load of 14,000–28,000 lb (6,350–12,700 kg)
Friday, July 8, 2011
US asteroid mining
Our country is ahead of the European Union in asteroid mining.
now of roughly 750 S-class asteroids with a diameter of at least 1 kilometer. Many of these pass as near to the Earth as our own moon — close enough to reach via spacecraft. As a typical asteroid is 10 percent metal
The US is already sending lander near asteroids to to experiments as we speak. Within 3 years, Lockheed Martin, Boeing would send space excavators to bring small amounts of asteroid to US. A small metallic asteroid with a diameter of 1.6 km (1 mile) contains more than $9 trillion US dollars worth of industrial and precious metals.
Strip Mining - Material is successively scraped off the surface in a process comparable to strip mining. There is strong evidence that many asteroids consist of rubble piles, making this approach feasible.
Shaft Mining - A mine can be dug into the asteroid, and the material extracted through the shaft. This requires precise knowledge to engineer accuracy of astro-location under the surface regolith and a transportation system to carry the desired ore to the processing facility.
Magnetic Rakes - Asteroids with a high metal content may be covered in loose grains that can be gathered by means of a magnet.
Heating - For volatile materials in extinct comets, heat can be used to melt and vaporize the matrix..
Spacecraft can pull materials and fly it to Earth orbit where it can be flown in smaller amounts.
I don't believe US should worry about effects on China (that's stupid), as they can always buy domestic. It is the United States that needs to profit from something, because we are bankrupted nation with our inflation/spending problems. Republican Pres. and republican congress expansion of the the private sector is the short-time solution.
now of roughly 750 S-class asteroids with a diameter of at least 1 kilometer. Many of these pass as near to the Earth as our own moon — close enough to reach via spacecraft. As a typical asteroid is 10 percent metal
The US is already sending lander near asteroids to to experiments as we speak. Within 3 years, Lockheed Martin, Boeing would send space excavators to bring small amounts of asteroid to US. A small metallic asteroid with a diameter of 1.6 km (1 mile) contains more than $9 trillion US dollars worth of industrial and precious metals.
Strip Mining - Material is successively scraped off the surface in a process comparable to strip mining. There is strong evidence that many asteroids consist of rubble piles, making this approach feasible.
Shaft Mining - A mine can be dug into the asteroid, and the material extracted through the shaft. This requires precise knowledge to engineer accuracy of astro-location under the surface regolith and a transportation system to carry the desired ore to the processing facility.
Magnetic Rakes - Asteroids with a high metal content may be covered in loose grains that can be gathered by means of a magnet.
Heating - For volatile materials in extinct comets, heat can be used to melt and vaporize the matrix..
Spacecraft can pull materials and fly it to Earth orbit where it can be flown in smaller amounts.
I don't believe US should worry about effects on China (that's stupid), as they can always buy domestic. It is the United States that needs to profit from something, because we are bankrupted nation with our inflation/spending problems. Republican Pres. and republican congress expansion of the the private sector is the short-time solution.
Debian appears in The Social Network
he only parts I picked up on is the college life on the Internet, and that I was never a college life student. I take all my classes online. When I was at campus, everybody went home. Google+, launched 8 days ago is aimed to replace Facebook, just as Facebook overtaken google at Alexa this year. In the movie, Debian made an appearance. It matches the kernel.

Facebook is a place that turns adults into teenage girls. Instead of making things, We're telling people how great Gossip Girl is. Would your grandfather go on Facebook? Probably not. I think we've become a country thirsting for attention--Facebook is basically Googling yourself for people who don't have enough hits to warrant it.
Facebook is a place that turns adults into teenage girls. Instead of making things, We're telling people how great Gossip Girl is. Would your grandfather go on Facebook? Probably not. I think we've become a country thirsting for attention--Facebook is basically Googling yourself for people who don't have enough hits to warrant it.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Vietnam War had a wonderful side-effect
After 1975, Vietnam contracted with the Soviet Union for financial aid. Jimmy Carter, as liberal and gullible, hadn't send aid to Vietnam. Vietnam couldn't get aid from China. Vietnam and the War with Afghanistan was the nail in the cophen for the Soviet Union.
It was liberal bias in the media that presented the withdrawal.
It was liberal bias in the media that presented the withdrawal.
Medical and Health Services Manager
I plan on getting a Medical and Health Services Manager Bachelor's degree completed in 4 1/2 years. Some of the courses include Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations, Healthcare Planning and Policy Management, and Advanced Healthcare Law and Ethics. The jobs are in this field. I'll get 40k less in healthcare manager than in Network administration BS engineer annually. It is easier to pass certification in health, sponsored hospitals supply internships. The information technology sector isn't hiring right now, and this scope of layoff wouldn't happen in the healthcare field. Medical and Health Services Manager is not as aggressive as the Administrative Services Manager or Sales Managers Bachelors. Sales managers end up in a mall.
The Pentagon was hacked into and a trillion dollars lost this month via Russia or China. I am not ready for that kind of rigorous certification studying and commitment to security, and hustling. I just know it is their bias towards Windows XP/7. The Pentagon and companies with Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Scientific Linux are secured.
Marketing Managers $78,340 | $110,030 | $149,390 | 12%
Administrative Services Manager $53,820 | $75,520 | $100,560 | 12%
Sales Managers $65,210 | $96,790 | $141,430 | 15%
Medical and Health Services Manager $63,700 | $81,850 | $105,980 | 16%
^ U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Department of Labor
College starts next semester.
The Pentagon was hacked into and a trillion dollars lost this month via Russia or China. I am not ready for that kind of rigorous certification studying and commitment to security, and hustling. I just know it is their bias towards Windows XP/7. The Pentagon and companies with Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Scientific Linux are secured.
Marketing Managers $78,340 | $110,030 | $149,390 | 12%
Administrative Services Manager $53,820 | $75,520 | $100,560 | 12%
Sales Managers $65,210 | $96,790 | $141,430 | 15%
Medical and Health Services Manager $63,700 | $81,850 | $105,980 | 16%
^ U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Department of Labor
College starts next semester.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Camping 2k11
Did this last week for three days and this week for three days. I hate that there is nothing special on TV, except the Eau Claire PBS broadcasts Vietnam news at 8PM (large Mung population), and the communist anchors constantly naught yes. Anchors showed that Obama and laughed at stupid president. I golfed and wanted to be home to watch what I wanted to watch. I didn't drive myself (to save mileage) and I don't subscribe to a 3G service. I think that amateur fireworks are stupid. Why do you always do it at dusk when it isn't even that dark yet? Dropping $500 bucks on Roman Candles, Sparklers Bottle Rockets and Firecrackers doesn’t really make sense. Throw in the fact that all the good fireworks are illegal. Light up a stack of cash And throw it high, high into the night's sky.
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